Wait! New sod dying after 3 moths? There must be a mistake! You take pride in growing a lush, pristine lawn that makes your outdoor space outstanding, right? But, sometimes, this sod may seem to turn brownish or appear dead after just three months. It’s infuriating. But why would your new sod die after three months? Here are the possible reasons:
Your new sod might die after three months due to underwatering, overwatering, drought, weeds infestation, and high foot traffic. Dog urine, over-fertilizing, soil compaction problem, pests, and disease infestation also contribute to the dying of new sod. You need to be careful and keen when caring for your new sod.
Why Is My New Sod Dying?
Here are the reasons why your new sod might be dying, especially after three months;
1. Drought
Sod requires enough moisture in the soil to grow healthy. Although some grass types are drought tolerant, not all varieties can withstand prolonged drought. They dry out and die eventually due to overheating and drought stress.
2. Underwatering
After installation, inadequate lawn watering may turn your sod brown or dormant. Since the roots are still tender and shallow, lack of enough moisture may kill your sod, especially during hot weather.
3. Overwatering
Grass loves water and requires plenty of it to grow greener and healthier. However, too much water makes the ground soggy, thus encouraging fungal attacks. Additionally, waterlogged soil makes the grass blades wilt and causes the rotting of sod roots.
4. Weeds Infestation
Various factors can encourage the growth of weeds in your lawn. First, overwatering your yard creates a perfect environment for weeds to germinate. Secondly, laying your sod over weeds boosts its reappearance.
These weeds compete for nutrients, moisture, and sunlight with the sod, affecting its health and eventually killing it.
5. High traffic
Walking on new sod, especially within the first weeks of installation, will kill its tender roots. Although some grass varieties resist heavy traffic after first mowing, some die due to wear and tear. Therefore, keep your dogs and children off the lawn unless it can withstand heavy traffic.
6. Dog urine
Dog urine contains urea which has high levels of nitrogen. This nitrogen has salt that burns the grass roots, causing brown and yellow spots in the lawn. Applying too much fertilizer might also have the same effect on your yard.
7. Pests and disease infestation
Pests, especially sod webworms, love laying their eggs in the grass on new or fully established lawns. Once they hatch, they devour your turf, causing brown or dead patches.
Similarly, your grass might turn brown or develop dead spots due to lawn diseases. Overwatering is the number one cause of fungal attacks in your new sod.
New Sod Dying After 3 Months FAQs
Q: Why is new sod more prone to dying?
A: New sod’s roots are shallow, tender, and underdeveloped. It may die easily and quickly due to hot air, dryness, overwatering, foot traffic, weeds, and pest infestation.
Q: Why is my sod dying even though I water it?
A: If your grass is dying regardless of watering, you may be underwatering or overwatering. New sod requires enough and consistent watering to grow. On the other hand, too much water on the ground boosts fungal attacks and causes the rotting of roots.
Final Thoughts
Are you still frustrated seeing your new sod dying after 3 months? Knowing that underwatering, overwatering, drought, weeds infestation, and high foot traffic are the main causes is relieving. Other causes include dog urine, over-fertilizing, soil compaction problem, and pests and disease infestation.
However, you can protect your sod from dying within 3 months of installation by watering, keeping dogs and kids off the lawn, and preventing weeds, rodents such as ground moles, pests, and diseases.