Do you love growing reliable succulents that will make your garden eye-catching? Well, sedum is a perfect choice. It comes in various leaf colors and patterns and is ideal for containers and pots. Once established, watering is only necessary during prolonged dry weather. So, are you eager to learn how to propagate sedum? Read on.
You can propagate sedum or stonecrop using stem cuttings, leaf cuttings, seeds, or by division (offshoots). The propagation process is simple, and once in the soil, they grow and spread quickly. The ones propagated from seeds flower in three years, while those from cuttings flower within the first or second year.
Appearance, Characteristics, and Uses for Sedum
Sedum is a leafy succulent plant that has varied types. Some grow like tight ground covers, whereas others appear like small shrubs. Additionally, the plant leaves have varied combinations of colors like green, purple, yellow, and grey.
These leaves store enough moisture as they are thick, making sedum drought-resistant. They can flourish outdoors with natural sunlight or indoors with artificial light, thus excellent for gardeners. Additionally, this plant grows with shallow roots and, therefore, can thrive in shallow pots and containers
You can use sedum as ground cover, especially in dry areas, or to add to your yard’s aesthetic.
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4 Easy Ways of Propagating Sedum
Here is how you can propagate sedum in four easy ways;
1. Sedum propagation using seeds

Sedum seeds are thin, small, and lightweight and must be handled carefully. You can easily acquire them from nearby gardening centers or your existing sedum crops.
Ensure they are dry before planting by putting them in a paper bag and keeping them dry for two weeks. This helps prevent rotting.
Place the dry seeds in the fridge and plant in the spring period. The reason is that the best temperature to propagate sedum seeds ranges between 45 and 65℉.
Before planting, prepare the soil well by adding organic additives and ensuring it’s well drained. Plant the seeds and water them consistently until they mature.
2. Propagating sedum from leaf cuttings
You need a sharp knife, rooting hormone, and alcohol rub when propagating sedum from leaf cuttings. Sterilize the knife with alcohol first, then cut healthy plant leaves. Apply the rooting hormone at the cut area to encourage fast rooting. You can then place them in well-moisturized soil and ensure the leaf node area is well-covered.
The cuttings will root after two to three weeks if you water regularly.
3. Propagation by stem cuttings

Cut a stem three inches long from the parent plant, and ensure it has few leaves above. Dip it in water and add rooting hormone powder. Once the powder sticks, plant the stem in a potting mix with well-drained, moisturized soil.
Water the stems once daily for three weeks or until they establish roots. You can then transplant the cuttings into containers.
4. Dividing sedum
When propagating sedum from offshoots, you divide your plants the moment they produce offshoots. This method is usually straightforward and successful and best done in early spring.
Therefore, use a shovel to dig the entire rooted sedum plant, and ensure you take the whole root ball. Make at least four clean cuts, and ensure the four sections include roots and green buds. Transplant the divisions immediately and cover them with mulch and soil to conserve moisture.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q: Should I propagate cuttings in water or soil?
A: Although certain plants root in water, cuttings develop strong roots when planted in soil. As for cuttings that require good drainage, you can use sand or perlite.
Q: How do you encourage sedum to spread?
A: You can encourage sedum to grow and spread by planting it in well-prepared soil with good drainage. Also, ensure you water the plants consistently and add gravel mulch for them to thrive.
Final Thoughts
Sedum is a perfect succulent used as a backyard ground cover to make your compound attractive. If you don’t know how to propagate sedum, it’s done using stem cuttings, leaf cuttings, seeds, or divisions. The process is simple, and once the plants develop a strong rooting system, they require few maintenance practices to thrive.