How to Propagate Monstera Adansonii

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Monstera adansonii is also called the Swiss cheese plant. It is a fast-growing vining plant commonly grown in South and Central America. It is a lush and attractive vine that you can grow in various ways. If you’re wondering how to propagate monstera adansonii, this article will cover all propagation techniques in detail. Read on to learn which method suits your situation.

You can propagate Monstera adansonii using soil, water, and moss. Whether you want to use moss, soil, or water, the decision depends purely on personal preference and what is available. The success rate of all three techniques is equal, though water propagation is easy primarily for a beginner. However, successful propagation requires proper cutting care.

Also read: How to Propagate Sedum

How to Propagate Monstera

Monstera is a beautiful, low-maintenance houseplant and has various varieties;

  • Monstera adansonii (has small leaves, thus referred to as mini monstera)
  • Monstera variegate (is variegated)
  • Monstera deliciosa (has large leaves)
  • Monstera oblique (leaves are highly perforated)

Propagating the monstera plant is straightforward. You can do it using three methods: water propagation, moss propagation, and soil propagation.

1. How to Propagate Swiss Cheese Plant In Water

This propagation technique is easy as it only requires water to create a new Monstera adansonii plant. The first step is to select a healthy Swiss cheese stem with at least two nodes and leaves. Make cuttings using a razor blade or shears. Ensure the cutting tool is sharp and sanitize it with isopropyl alcohol between cuttings to kill bacteria.

Place the cutting in a vase of warm water. Ensure you submerge all nodes underwater to encourage root development. However, do not submerge leaves as they will rot.

Place the vase in a sunny area for better air and light circulation. Furthermore, change the water once weekly to provide the roots with fresh oxygen.

Roots and leaves will develop within four weeks, and you can then transplant the rooted cutting into the soil.

2. Monstera Adansonii Propagation in Soil

Select a strong monstera adansonii stem with leaves and nodes, and make cuttings using a sterilized and sharp razor blade. Lay these cuttings below the soil line with the node side down. This soil must be well aerated and with good drainage. You can add peat moss and perlite for good air circulation.

Place the cuttings under sunlight as they require at least six hours of sun each day to germinate. Additionally, water them consistently until the roots are established fully.

Monstera adansonii propagate successfully in the soil in three months, and that’s when you can transplant them.

3. How to Propagate Mini Monstera Adansonii in Moss

Wrap a portion of the stem with one or two nodes with moist sphagnum moss. Encase it completely to block air from getting inside, which might dry the cutting.

Open it up once weekly to check if it’s still moist. New roots will develop after a few weeks, and that’s when you can transplant the stems, each on its pot.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: Is it easy to propagate monstera adansonii?

A: Like other vining plants, Monstera adansonii propagation is relatively easy. You can do it in soil or water. Some people leave the cuttings permanently in water during propagation, and it does well. However, the plant doesn’t grow better than it would in soil.

Q: What is the best way of propagating monstera adansonii?

A: You can quickly and easily propagate adansonii in water or soil by division, stem cuttings, or air layering. However, each division must have a node. This node is a point on a stem where leaves develop. So, if your cuttings lack nodes and axillary buds, they will rot.


Monstera adansonii, also called Swiss cheese plant or mini monstera (due to its small leaves), propagates easily in three methods. These include soil propagation, moss propagation, and water propagation.

All techniques are easy, and the success rate is equal if you follow the correct propagation procedure.

However, water propagation is the right choice if you want the fastest and easiest method. The reason is that it takes the cuttings a few weeks to develop roots when underwater.